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Homeopathy puts you at the centre of your healthcare.

Homeopathy treats the person and not the disease. It recognises the connection between the mind and the body. Homeopathy views symptoms as the way the body expresses imbalance which can be on mental, emotional, spiritual and physical levels. This is why it is called a holistic system of healthcare.

It was discovered by Samuel Hahnemann, a German physician, in the early 1800s. He was concerned about the harsh treatments used in his time and the side effects they caused. He experimented using smaller and smaller doses and found that not only were the toxic side effects reduced but they became more effective. Hahnemann realised that humans are more than just tissues and bones. He referred to an energy which he called the vital force. The Chinese call this energy chi, the yogis call it prana.

Homeopathy is effective in both acute and chronic illnesses. It has been used for over 200 years and is used today world-over by more than 450 million people.

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About Homeopathic Remedies

Homeopathic remedies are made from plant, mineral and animal sources.

A small amount is crushed, diluted and shaken repeatedly in order to release the healing energy. Only a minimum dose is required to stimulate the body to gently restore balance.

The remedies are non-toxic and are therefore safe for everyone, including pregnant mothers, babies and the elderly. They may also be used while on other medications.

Homeopathic remedies are chosen to fit the individual rather than for a specific complaint. For example, 1 person with flu may want to be left alone and express grumpiness if disturbed whereas another person may want a lot of support and attention. Both of these people will require different remedies to aid their recovery.

Homeopathy treats “like with like”. For example, too much coffee and your mind can become overactive, making it difficult to sleep. Coffee as a homeopathic remedy is sometimes used for insomnia. Allium cepa is a remedy made from onions and often used for hay fever and colds with symptoms including runny nose and watering eyes.

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What Happens at a Homeopathic Consultation?

Everyone is different.

The consultation is about you and how you have reached this stage of health in your life. We are all individuals. The events, stresses and strains in our lives make us who we are. Homeopathy does not diagnose but will look at how a health issue is expressing itself as symptoms.

At your first appointment I’ll need to gain an understanding of your physical and emotional health, details of your present health issue along with your lifestyle and nature. I will do this by carefully listening to you and asking questions.

All information that you provide within your consultation is strictly confidential. It is important that you feel able to discuss any concerns, no matter how small they may seem, as it is your individuality rather than specific disease symptoms that provide me with an insight to the uniqueness of your needs. It is important to me that you feel comfortable in your consultation. This will help me to choose a remedy for you. I may also suggest herbal tinctures, tissue salts or Bach flower remedies.

The first consultation lasts up to 90 minutes with follow up appointments of up to 1 hour.

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